Low Profile Tank Screen 360 Hood Kit with Clip On ring 400mm/16 inch
SKU: ${currentVariant.sku}TSEF24
(${ product.secondary_sku })
Tank Screens
Low Profile Tank Screen 360 Hood Kit with Clip On ring 400mm/16 inch
SKU: ${currentVariant.sku}TSEF24
(${ product.secondary_sku })
${ currentVariant.price | currencyFromCents }
${ currentVariant.compare_at_price | currencyFromCents }/metre
${ product.compare_at_price_max | currencyFromCents }/metre
(exc. GST)
or 4 payments of ${ currentVariant.price / 4 | currencyFromCents } with
(exc. GST)
${ product.price_min | currencyFromCents } - ${ product.price_max | currencyFromCents }
${ product.price | currencyFromCents }/metre/span>

or 4 payments of ${ product.price / 4 | currencyFromCents } with

Maximum water throughout, easy debris management, simple maintenance, and minimal splashing. The Tank Screen 360 with the Hood is one of the best tank inlet solutions. Low Profile design keeps any inbound pipes close to the top of your tank.
Mesh Colour
${ meshColourText }
Trim Colour
${ trimColourText }
Please select a ${ errorText }
What is this?
*Please note - Gutter Mesh is sold in 5m increments and the minimum order amount is 10m
What is this?
*Please note - Gutter Mesh is sold in 5m increments and the minimum order amount is 10m
Select your Mesh colour
Please select a colour for your Mesh to continue.
${ colourNameWithSymbol(colour) }
Select your Trim colour
Please select a colour for your Mesh to continue.
${ colourNameWithSymbol(colour) }
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