Longreach Tank Gauge Extension Pole Male/Female
SKU: ${currentVariant.sku}TATG12
(${ product.secondary_sku })
Tank Level Gauges
Longreach Tank Gauge Extension Pole Male/Female
SKU: ${currentVariant.sku}TATG12
(${ product.secondary_sku })
${ currentVariant.price | currencyFromCents }
${ currentVariant.compare_at_price | currencyFromCents }/metre
${ product.compare_at_price_max | currencyFromCents }/metre
(exc. GST)
or 4 payments of ${ currentVariant.price / 4 | currencyFromCents } with
(exc. GST)
${ product.price_min | currencyFromCents } - ${ product.price_max | currencyFromCents }
${ product.price | currencyFromCents }/metre/span>

or 4 payments of ${ product.price / 4 | currencyFromCents } with

Designed specifically to accommodate deeper tanks, this extension pole ensures accurate and reliable readings even in larger storage systems. It seamlessly integrates with your existing Longreach gauge, providing an easy and efficient way to extend its reach.
Mesh Colour
${ meshColourText }
Trim Colour
${ trimColourText }
Please select a ${ errorText }
What is this?
*Please note - Gutter Mesh is sold in 5m increments and the minimum order amount is 10m
What is this?
*Please note - Gutter Mesh is sold in 5m increments and the minimum order amount is 10m
Select your Mesh colour
Please select a colour for your Mesh to continue.
${ colourNameWithSymbol(colour) }
Select your Trim colour
Please select a colour for your Mesh to continue.
${ colourNameWithSymbol(colour) }
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